POLAR CIRCLE is a free-of-charge internet-based e-mail discussion list that is devoted to the North Polar Regions. The list is open to anyone with an interest in the North Polar Regions. Interest areas of list subscribers include, but are by no means limited to, north polar history, geography, navigation, exploration and expeditions, tourism, archeology and ethnology, culture, weather and climate, aviation, literature, and current events of the region. The list is open to both "experts" and newcomers alike. POLAR CIRCLE provides an opportunity to ask--and answer--questions, share information and ideas, and in general to communicate with others worldwide who share your interests and enthusiasm |
The term North Polar Regions is defined as including: the North Geographic Pole; the Arctic Ocean; and generally the land areas bordering the Arctic Ocean, including the northern coast of Alaska, the high Canadian Arctic and the Magnetic North Pole, northern Greenland, Svalbard (including Bear Island), and the Russian Arctic, especially, Franz Josef Land, Severnya Zemlya, Novaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island. |
The list is un-moderated, which means that anyone who subscribes to the list can post messages. In turn, messages are automatically transmitted via e-mail to all other subscribers. The language of the list is English. The list supports hyperlinks but, primarily because of the danger of inadvertently transmitting viruses and because of possible long download times, does not support attachments. Instead, subscribers can post photos, maps and other documents to a "Files" section on the POLAR CIRCLE homepage. Other homepage features include a "Links" section where members can post URLs of their own or related websites, a calendar and a message archive. |
Subscribing to POLAR CIRCLE is entirely free-of-charge. The only requirement is that you complete a very brief registration process with eGroups, sponsors of the mailing list. |
Subscribing to Polar Circle is simple and entirely free-of-charge |
Polar Circle is hosted by eGroups |
1. Send a blank e-mail message to polarcircle-subscribe@egroups.com If you have more than one e-mail address, be sure to use the one where you would like your discussion list mail sent. Your e-mail address also becomes your login name for eGroups. |
2. When you receive an e-mail response from eGroups--normally within minutes--use the REPLY function of your e-mail program to confirm your subscription. Once you do this, you will receive a Welcome message from POLAR CIRCLE. The Welcome message will contain additional information about POLAR CIRCLE and should answer any questions you might have about using the discussion list. |
NOTE: If you do not receive a prompt reply to your original e-mail, this probably means that you are already registered with eGroups (or its predecessor, Onelist). However, you will know you are subscribed to POLAR CIRCLE when you receive a Welcome message. |
If you encounter any difficulties in subscribing or if you would like additional information first, write to polarcircle@arcticmail.com |