Some Common Conversions |
Much of the polar literature makes use of the metric system to express values. |
Below are some rule-of-thumb conversions to more familiar U.S. values: |
Distances |
One meter = 39 inches (3 ft., 3 in. or 3¼ ft.) |
To convert meters to feet, multiply meters by 3.25 |
Ex.: 500 meters = 500 X 3.25 = 1625 feet. |
One degree of latitude ( º ) = 60 nautical miles. (There are 60 minutes [ ' ] of latitude in one degree; one minute of latitude = one nautical mile). |
One nautical mile (nm.) = 1.15 statute miles (sm.). |
To convert nautical miles to statute miles, multiply nautical miles by 1.15. |
Ex.: 60 nm. = 60 X 1.15 = 69 sm. |
Note: one knot (kt.) designates one nautical mile per hour in speed. To convert knots to miles per hour, multiply knots by 1.15. |
One kilometer (km.) = 0.62 statute miles |
To convert kilometers to statute miles, multiply kilometers by .62 |
Ex.: 100 km. = 100 X .62 = 62 sm. |
Temperatures |
To convert centigrade (Celsius) to Fahrenheit, multiply centigrade by 1.8 and add 32. |
Ex.: 15ºC = 15 X 1.8 = 27 + 32 = 59ºF |
0ºC = 0 X 1.8 = 0 + 32 = 32ºF |
[0ºC and 32ºF are the freezing points of water; water boils |
at 100ºC and 212ºF]. |
Note that at very low temperatures such as might be encountered in the polar regions, centigrade and Fahrenheit values are closer together. |
--30ºC = --22ºF |
--40ºC is the same as --40ºF |
--50ºC = --58ºF |